Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Our Background

When Bar camp 2013 , January held in MICT Park , Hlaing Township in Yangon .The Two of Speakers Aung Kham and Freddy was presentation about " How to earn money by using social media? " topic and had discussed with many participants such as educators , IT entrepreneurs, worker and  bar-campers. After presentation we start decided to make strategy workshop first and cooperating meeting for action planning .
According to speaker background , Aung Kham is the one who are working in tech space technology journal as a online editor . Owner and writer  of International news for myanmar Facebook Page .Consultant in Rocket Internet GmbH , Online Business . Online Editor in Colay:Automobile , Car review writing and so many social media page managing experience in  writing .

Freddy is the one who is working in MIDO ( Myanmar ICT for development Organization ) as a trainer for ICT and Social Media Effectively trainer . He is one of Admin in Funny World (
Over 20 thousand fans and the most fans page of social media entertainment page in Myanmar. Web Editor and Copy Writer since 2012.

In February 3,2013   .. The First meeting and workshop is held  in Rocket Internet Office in Hitachi Tower , Kyout Ta da Township, Yangon . In Meeting and workshop, we are discussing about trend of social media of Myanmar and how to cooperate working for our plan online business by freelancing . The Final outcome is " MM Social Sky " team name , strongly interesting members for team working and to develop our plan .


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